Michelberger Music

Welcome to a collection of audio-visual memories of the Nameless Endless. We hope you bring some time and curiosity to join us on this complex hybridal journey through sounds, colours, shapes and emotions. Feel free to explore these memories in any random order, at any time and at any place and spread it out into the vast infinity of our collective consciousness.

The idea was simple. 120 artists from all around the world came together in Berlin for a week. The aim was to create a space for collaboration, experimentation and dissolving all kinds of borders, physical, mental and spiritual. Melting different disciplines freely into something new while exploring new forms, sounds and spaces. All of this happened in the old recording studio of the GDR in east Berlin which was built during the 50’s to promote socialist music throughout the world. Towards the end everyone was invited to come along and experience what had come into existence.

We were invited to capture our perspective of the experience.


This is from us for all of us.

photographs and stills by ramin krause and júlia soler

films by ramin krause

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